A Podcast for Life Style Painters

Welcome to The Art Digger Podcast. The place where we dive headfirst into the fascinating world of art and painting. Whether you’re an artist, an art lover, or just someone curious about the inner world of art making or what makes a painting speak to us, this is the place for you.

Why I started this Podcast

In this episode, I share why I started this podcast, what you can expect from future episodes, and how exposure to different painting approaches can transform your artistic journey.

Join me as we kick off this exciting adventure—because there’s always something new to discover in art!

Goya's Black Paintings

A conversation with Alex Kanevsky about his impressions and insights on Goya's black paintings. These amazing serie of 14 paintings were done on the walls of Goya's House "La Quinta del Sordo" Now they sit on a small room at Museo del Prado. and represent a pivot point in the history of Painting.

Euan Uglow & Patrick George

A conversation with Mark Dunford about two iconic paintings: At Arm’s Length by Patrick George and Yellow Dress by Euan Uglow. Mark, a former student at the Slade School of Fine Art, was both a student and a friend of Patrick and Euan.

In this conversation, we explore his experiences with these two remarkable artists, their vision of painting, and the lasting impact they left on painters like him.

Some Paintings by Degas

Join us for a fascinating conversation with Ruprecht Von Kaufmann as we explore selected paintings by Edgar Degas. Our selection was driven purely by admiration—both for Degas himself and for the powerful compositional allure of these works. Together, we discuss what makes these paintings so compelling and the impact they have on us. Don't miss this friendly and insightful discussion!