Find your voice

Let us work with you in your artistic endeavour.

  • Join us in this journey that will provide you a solid artistic foundation.
  • Learn from the best about composition, techniques, materials, different approaches and ideas.
  • Educate your art appreciation to understand the work of other artists, historical and contemporary.
  • Get powerful exercises and practices to enhance your work and knowledge.
  • Enjoy the journey and get a ton of inspiration that will unveil your personal voice as an artist.

Learn from the best

Through the life of The art Digger project, we have had the opportunity to work together with some of the best contemporary artist worldwide. With their inspiration and guidance, we open now this Studio space to offer a wider range of Art learning resources like courses, and upcoming projects like publications, coaching, membership and others.

If you have participated with us in previous experiences with The Art Digger, you already know the careful attention we put into our high quality content and our students care. If not, we are sure you will find our content of high value to you. We are very much forward to counting with all of you!

About the Editor

Angel was born in León (Spain) and now lives and works in Lisbon (Portugal). He has MFA by the Fine Arts Complutense University of Madrid and a BD in Chemistry . He took two scholarships with the great Spanish master Antonio López and worked together with some of the best contemporary artists worldwide.

Angel de Benito is the Chief editor of the Blog where he has published articles about Art and artists and techniques. He is also the organiser of high-level Art courses through